dB you're all fucked.
even if most of the civilian population is cool (I get along with most of you and the americans living in my house).
but eventually, this monoply on world affairs and economy is just gonna fall. there is a sword of damocles there and you just don't see it.
wingedSerpent it's like i said a couple of years back, Orwell had it wrong about which ideology would bring the world to its knees

Welcome to the new millenium and all its barbarism, brought to you by any number of corporate sponsors

They even approached the marketing of this war to the UN and the American people the same way that automakers roll out their new models

First and second week of September, immediately following Labor Day. White House spokesman Fleischer even made a few remarks back then commenting on the analogy

It comes as no surprise to me to see that a government that reeks of corporate ownership would adopt a popular marketing strategy from one of the holders of its puppet-strings
wingedSerpent it's 476 A.D.

do you know where your empire is?
milk it does a crony good got fascism? 030323
dB nice one birdmad.
(I like your old name, sorry).
what's it to you?
who go