PhilifleHolbrook Warning...warning...warning.
Attack hamsters are volatile, and may be exceptionally prone to extreme mood swings (due to their volatility, causing them to be easily swayed by the diffusion of polluting gasses in their immdediate neighbourhood). FUcKIng HAMsteRS They WarNEd My FAMIly But ThEY WerE TOO LatE For THEM.....
They are also somewhat reticent about their ability to perform chemical synthesis. (Hence the prominent place given to hamsters in many of the world's pharmaceutical laboratories.) The major concern that has faced this era is the realisation that hamsters=more hamsters, and this in turn leads to perpetual hamsters. So to speak. Anyway, they are full of disease and should be immediatly fed to anyone that is near you when you catch the verminous grease fuckers.

As an alternative, you could burn them in a high velocity (and high temperature) flame. Hamsters, the ultimate fuel source (and perpetual too remember). They know this, which is why they are prone to attack.

I rest my case.
startfires i think that little yellow guy from pokemon is an attack hamster. 001206
The Schleiffen Man Pikachu is a lightening mouse, not a hamster (hampster for us educated folk). 001206
pokeball Pika!Pika!Pika!Pika!Pika!

startfires i would rather be a hamster running on a wheel than a gerbil up somebody's asshole. 010430
bijou good_point. 010822
what's it to you?
who go