unhinged 'blather shows up on google you know' 040629
SpecialK that's how i found this site! 040629
unhinged don't_tell_the_person_you_love_about_blather

or the person you hate

love and hate change daily
or rather don't_tell_the_person_that_you_love_about_blather 040629
once again me! 040629
unhinged thank you; i didn't have the energy to fix my faulty link

i_hate_it_when_that_happens ; i always mess up the long ones
Suck it up "loved ones" That's how I found this site too.
I was just careful if your sn is linked to an e-mail that all your loves ones know! Unless, of course, you're being subtly_callous and you want them to read every_gory_detail...

u24 I am very traceable to me. anyone who knows my (real) name could quite easily find me on blather, and then, well, it'd be like they were standing behind me through my whole life. scary. 040630
unhinged yeah. it is scary. very. 040630
minnesota_chris those who care, don't internet. Those who internet, don't care. 040630
u24 possibly true.. maybe. 040701
wcw and those who do care
can't really do anything about it now
kookaburra i've vainly looked up my name to know that you couldn't find me here (muahaha)
i was one of the smart ones.
but lemme go look up my email address...
oren There will always be things that cannot be found by Googling. 060730
three words googleable this_is_the_cost_of_my_soul bringing_light 101024
what's it to you?
who go