mikey us blathering folks. said some things i shouldnt have today. but in hindsight it made me realize theres so many creative minds on here. whether i like them all or not is irrelevant the fact remains its freedom of expression and we all contribute. 010311
dB Right on. Let's all go on a pilgimage or something. I'm getting bored. 010311
dB bloody hell. typing is shocking today.

That says Pilgrimage.
dB Oh, Mikey, don't even think about it. 010311
mikey BONK! ::runs and hides::: devil made me do it heheheheheh 010311
dB Damn you. By the 13 moons of valhallah and odins knobbly staff! Damn you!

Ah it's not so bad.
*Ziima* Oh how I crave to sit among other creative minds. Hicksville has been harsh on my emotional expression. 010719
dB You an' me both. You think hicksville USA is back, try living anywhere over here. 010719
kariann we should make a huge blather party.

yeah. in Lake Mills, Wisconsin.
z see: blathercon 060223
what's it to you?
who go