not important I have one extremely friendly kittycat, who will not only give you constant attention (read: demand petting), she will do it while you try to type! Should you foolishly not pet the cat, she will pet herself with your hands by standing on your keyboard and nuzzling your hands from the keys even as you try to type! You won't have time to be lonely when you have her constant love! And she won't even be jealous of your relationship with your computer. She will extend her affections, rubbing her furry body over every inch of it, searching for just the right corner. Great with kids. Especially shy, withdrawn ones. 030729
silentbob kitten_mayhem 030730
minnesota_chris cooked to order

can't believe he said that
not important eh, this particular cat is a little old for eating... 030731
what's it to you?
who go