jenny enny dots for not blathering. i have more important things to do with my time. 040127
jenny enny dots because this world is overtaking and making me forget time, deadlines and responsibilities. Back to life in the real world. 040128
jenny enny dots for realizing that all play and no work make Jack a lazy boy. 040131
jenny enny dots for jenny to take a nice bubble bath and give herself a pedicure. 040131
only jenny posts here for doing dishes and taxes over the phones. 040201
jenny talks to herself in case you didn't know 040201
jenny enny is not lazy for entering the real world... and cooking some dinner. 040202
jenny enny dots lives here for walking a eating something, making a CD cover and walking a black labrador named "Winnie". 040203
jenny feels like a freak cheesy eggs and cracker and for making curly into straight. 040203
Shevek I have a gumby cat in mind
her name is Jenny, any dots
the curtain cord she likes to wind
and tie it into sailor's knots
what's it to you?
who go