
my cell phone alarm is set for 6:22 am. it has been this way since the school year started. not that i necessarily love to rise at this time, but someone needs to make sure that mike gets his sleepy head off the pillow in enough time to shower, eat and make the bus stop on time.

this morning, i was in that gray area of semi consciousness, and unmistakably falling backwards into danger. (we have all had these dreams, except for me these are usuallyfalling asleepdreams rather thanwaking updreams) in any case, i very clearly saw the face attached to the body that had the hands that were reaching for me. to save me? or to push me? will i live or die? i didn’t get the chance to find out, because at 6:12 i was awakened by a relentless sunbeam shining into my eyes through an unwelcome gap in the curtains where mishi sat watching the sunrise. i looked at the clock and i thought, shit~it is a full ten minutes earlier than my normal wake up time.

with my heart still pounding, i was feeling a little shaky, so i got out of bed before the alarm went off. the day is starting out weird, and i already feel off balance, like pieces of my puzzle are mixed up and all over the floor needing to be properly placed back once more into an orderly picture. i always try to find meaning in my dreams, and now i’m wondering to myself, was i being rescued or killed? what the hell does this dream mean?

i made my way to the kitchen, and the first thing i noticed was that everything looked very vividly colored outside. granted, it is spring, and with each day, things look greener and greener, but there’s something really different about the view out there this morning. everything looks colorized and sort of overly enhanced, like the sun shining in the aftermath of a storm, except there had been no storm. i mentioned this to mike, and he simply grunted at me like any 16 year old would at this ungodly hour of the morning.

and so i opened my computer to look at the weather, glance at my e-mail, and of course, to see if anyone has any enlightening words or thoughts on red. i am rewarded with a good one today.

i was feeling a little better already, and still smiling when suddenly mike yelled from the kitchen, “mom c’mere RIGHT NOW!!!!!!” mike never yells. i ran.

he was standing at the window, pointing at the sky. and out there over the trees, against the clear blue morning sky, was the most unbelievably stunning rainbow, its entire arc a bridge across the sky. its vivid spectrum rendered me speechless for a moment.

until i lost my breath completely when the second rainbow appeared right alongside it. side by side, soaring through the sky, together but not touching. it was utterly amazing.

i hurried up and took a picture.

and mike said, “you can’t make this shit up, mom.”

he’s right.

by 6:22, the show was all over. had i been awakened as usual by my alarm, i would have missed the whole thing.

as_we_go_on through this glorious day, the memory if that twin rainbow will be with me, reminding me that life is full of otherworldly mysteries with messages worth taking notice of.
no reason nature might be the only thing that has the ability to constantly baffle and astound me 100504
no reason constantly and/or consistently 100504
no reason "i think we're too concerned with thinking about the environment as this other thing that is different from what's all around us. like the environment is a concern or something. i think we need to regain our respect for it and fear of it." -tony dekker (great lake swimmers) 100504
unhinged like a lizard on a rock
i turn my face up to the sun
and smile
cr0wl a walk around robin_hill 100829
what's it to you?
who go