Anuptaphobia - fear of staying single. Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. Arachnophobia - fear of spiders. Eurotophobia - fear of female genitalia. Clinophobia - fear of beds. Genophobia - fear of sex. Erotophobia - fear of sexual love or sexual questions. Paedophobia - fear of children. Phobicaphobia - fear of all phobias. Tonsurphobia - fear of haircuts. Parthenophobia - fear of virgins. Vestiphobia - fear of clothing. Zeusophobia - fear of god or gods. Politicophobia - fear or abnormal dislike of politicians. Philophobia - fear of falling in love or being in love. Philemaphobia or Philematophobia - fear of kissing. Nosocomephobia - fear of hospitals. Metrophobia - fear or hatred of poetry. Melophobia - fear or hatred of music. Medorthophobia - fear of an erect penis. Kolpophobia - fear of genitals, particularly female. Ithyphallophobia - fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis. Herpetophobia - fear of reptiles, or creepy/crawly things. Hedonophobia - fear of feeling pleasure. Gymnophobia - fear of nudity. Gerascophobia - fear of growing old. Gamophobia - fear of marriage. Agoraphobia - fear of crowds. Coitophobia - fear of coitus. Claustrophobic - fear of confined spaces. Chaetophobia - fear of hair. Athazagoraphobia - fear of being forgotten, ignored or forgetting. Ataxophobia - fear of disorder. Atelophobia - fear of imperfection, There are many more... What is unbelievable, is that many of these phobia's were named, after someone was diagnosed with the particular fear in question.