and again no that you would tell me that you are not worthy of love. i will talk with you, even when talking is done, i will still walk with you. a heart still beats with you, an ear still hears with you. fingers will not type without you. hmmm... no my love, you layer me with your glances, you have such a kiss that slips upon my soul, that i weep when you don't kiss me. no_my_love you have been here in each step i have taken, in each reaction, in each...each...each.... these are my words, and you still don't recognize them, a meaning i meant about a secret society, that would be a surprise to you, a new dream, if you thought about it and thought about it. i have asked for many things from the above, and i am still here to breathe and type about them. i value you. do you know what value means, to me? everything. .
what's it to you?