Alpha_Shell Heather Nova was right, nothing heals
Like London rain, which is fortunate
Since i see rain in London more than
I see any other form of weather, but
It suits the abstracted Gothique
Beauty of the city to have such a
System, it helps to accentuate the
Architectural emotion that’s being
Forgotten by so many, endangered
By too many commuters, photocopied
With the black levels on maximum;
Although eternity can never be killed
It can easily be forgotten, and it’s true
That rain falls nowhere in the world
In quite the way it falls on the Abbey,
bird "you were waiting there,
swimming through apologies"

emmi i'm a little paranoid about getting any in my mouth or on my bare skin or hair... the acid must be enough to burn a hole in anything...

it's only listening to it in the house or the car or in a cafe... that it can heal you
what's it to you?
who go