girl_jane I went to my first frat party the other night...It was an interesting experience. Some parts were funny-some parts were just plain hilarious. 030828
misstree whips fratties in bars i tend to have horror and loathing side dishes with my snide entertainment. 030828
silentbob I didn't know men went to your school 030829
sweetheart of the song tra bong They really are just like the movies 030829
girl_jane Men don't go to my school. There's a state university right down the street. Men go to that school. 030830
silentbob and they were a frat? with greek symbols and everything? 030830
girl_jane Yes-complete with greek symbols. 030904
nomatter we thought about it, but decided we were too cool. we ran away in my shitty car and ran through the sprinklers in the cemetary. We stole all of the Subway employee's tips to pay for our drinks and then went out "clubbin" at the gap. Quite eventful. When he asked, I lied. 030920
what's it to you?
who go