Don McLean What's the matter with you? 050604
thieums Everybody loves me when I'm dead
Suddenly everyone's my dearest friend
They say no lies about me
But life seems to go straight above my head
when I'm dead
niska dragon 080518
anythingbutcrytpic dont know why, but this made me smile

i just imagined some drunken girl with smudged lipstick and bad regrowth
and her singlet strap has fallen
staggering and eyes wide open
and slurring '.. but everybody loves me baby...' to some poor boy
she cornered on the couch
and shes leaning on him and hes squished in the corner feeling uncomfortable
and trying to move away only he cant because hes in the corner
... yeah.
anythingbutcryptic damn typos. 080519
what's it to you?
who go