sab cheshire cat grins
within the whirling wind
hair tangling around like snakes

you shouted something
but it was wisked away by the wind
and i was left
with nothing but that grin
to go on

go on

come on

come on, we have work to do

she grabbed my hand and shouted
come on, we have work to do
but i stood there
as they raced away
feeling that any moment now
i would start flying

they raced away
like autumn leaves
and the air and the wind spun like tops
and the debris flew around like i was standing in a snowglobe
and my clothing played tug of war with the wind
and my hair whipped my face
and the wind stung my eyes to tears

oh how i laughed
as you shouted something
that i never heard
above the wind screaming

we held out arms out
and waited
for the wind to carry us


come away
come away
oh how we danced

come away
come away
we were blown
what's it to you?
who go