hsg it's a pleasure to cont in u e ver more 081228
In_Bloom What is left when all else is pain and thoughts don't care to consciously regulate
The poor heart stubbornly bears the burden and beats the body to breathe on while consciousness takes a sweaty vacation for a few hours
hsg it helps to simply acknowledge whatever it is you're feeling.

it all gets better. i has to. ya know?

it is better to feel than not at all. this_much_i_know_is_true crying_is_my_soul_workout
In_Bloom Crying is release and re set, best where no one is watching or listening
It's not for them to have to think on or speculate their place in
Times are it's nice to walk alone and let the tears stream free among creatures who have don't share your language to tell on you
Lemon_Soda Crying in public is only shamefull when it is self centered.

You are correct. When you weep for yourself you should be alone, because that is who the tears are for.
what's it to you?
who go