Brad A word that represents the best and worst in almost any art form. Signifies the ultimate freedom of expression, but makes the line between genuine expression and bullshit more subjective and blurry. For those who can tell the difference, it's beautiful. 000328
Alexander Beetle Except there is no difference. 010501
zobz is.. awesome.... i just want to view the thread. blathe. 061025
zobz the fact that there is no difference is the greatness of the genre. it's part of the openness. bullshit is completely viable, and sometimes fun to listen to. possibly that's the same with meaningless pop music. but with avant-garde it's more interesting. as long as you're in the mood. it also might help to judge whether it's genuine or not or at least an attempt at genuine to know some about the artist. also not necessarily being able to tell the difference also applies to pop music, and bullshit taken for something other than what it is, and certainly unsuccessfully genuine music is also something that's common in other if not all genres. i suppose it's a similar afliction of both theory and anti-theory music. anti-theory can be completely random while theory can be purely rule based and completely unemotionally significant. or just too uncreative or uncognative to be a real act of expression. but anyway avant garde is awesome.
yes avant garde is not just music oh well.
what's it to you?
who go