hsg that's me,
180 degree about the axis, "Z".
sex y 081130
hsg sixy? 081130
(z) (?) 081130
hsg my contribution to the ambigrammatical_movement which i believe will flourish as the new_age of expression and playFULLness emerges.

"h s y" OR "b s g" would fit what i call "enough" of the artistic_license_parameters as defined in
NETWORK: newdream
TITLE: ambigram
SECTION: three

therein would be evidence of first_and_last letter rotation circa character "S", which in itself has 180_degree_potential rotation with minimum interpretation loss liability, plus_or_minus a few serifs.

(buthosets spin me in circles an eye gets dizzy and this oriented weirdness happens... simply i prefer SPIRalls... ok, catch a breath, check it:)

now what i've morphed via my own image_an_ation (i MAG in ATION) is what i'm naming as an ambigramorphosis.

i offer: 6sy

hear how wit works:
-take your friendly "hsg"
notice how the first letter (h)as an opening towards the bottom which unfortunately is frowned upon by graphologists.
-flip me ass_over_tea_kettle until i become 6sy
-good. that's better. now my opening is facing upwards towards the heavens. this means im "open" to saidirection for whatever may come.

thentirevolution happens from beginning to end of the word.
what's it to you?
who go