blueberries and raspberries under the weight of this tremendous burden, he sings, until a throat is a burden of pain, he coughs up mucous, miserable grey headache and the moutain is enshrouded by fog.

he buys bread and coffee, mocha java and some other word the have for talonica. and george is there and he says hey. but if you knew this fucking snake in the grass you would know his pleasantry is said behind a mask of deceit.

who cares, forgiveness is easy when the revolution is not televised.
frAnk sorry for the spelling mistakes. i blame it on the pinot grigio. 020420
Dafremen Nice. Because the revolution isn't about the's about the giving. It isn't about what unscrupulous abuse of acts of compassion say about us as a society, its about what our inclination to compassionate acts say about us as individuals that matters. The fool is the abuser who throws his principles to the wind not the giver who treasures his decency. 021125
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