Chrity MY BEST_FRIEND. 010408
Chrity She loves "ER" and expensive Godiva chocolate just as much as I do.

She is the nicest, sweetest, most bestest best_friend that anyone could ever have.

Nice and sweet enough for her to forgive me for blathering her main email address on the net.

She loves Spanish (and uses it around me way too much. She knows I like French WAY better than Spanish).

She puts up with me when I do stupid and/or crazy crap (like filling her room with balloons or making her listen to my music even though she hates most of it).

Hates acting her age (likes to act older, but I'm sure that will change by the time she hits 30).

Will always be my best friend; no matter what.

Did Yoga for awhile, but I think she quit. (too much effort, maybe? That's why I never started)

Holds a STRONG DISLIKE (not hate) for Dubya. Just like I do. Maybe if he were smarter...
what's it to you?
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