andru235 1) turn on your computer

2) log in if necessary

3) open your word processor

4) count the number of possible stories you could type, for better or for worse

5) deny the existence of infinity

6) realize that the only way to prevent an infinite number of stories is to impose arbitrary rules on how the story is allowed to progress

7) continue trying to deny infinity

8) count the number possible poems you could type

9) repeat 5) and 6) substituting 'poem' for 'story'

10) realize the implications of this on just about everything, then forget about it and type a story or poem. that's an order!
surely you mean 4 and 6 050420
andru235 i did mean 5, expecting those who denied before will still deny anyway, but; upon review, i think you are right, 4 and 6 are a better
'repeat as desired' selection
dohmer simpson eh "lather, rinse, repeat. always repeat." 050420
andru235 right. you must repeat, and repeat, and repeat. don't stop repeating! you really should never arrive at the later stages, because that means you've ceased in your reiterations. 050918
what's it to you?
who go