Effingham Fish than when I am joking. 020218
kuru ...Than when I am lying.

I'm serious.
indie.chickadee I hate it when I am so indescribably pissed at him and not trying to hide it and he laughs at me. 020508
silently_she_screams than when im telling someone i like them.....only i use lots of "ummm" and "mabye" and lots of words like that...but only to throw them off.... 020509
blown cherry than when I am crying.
How the fuck could anyone fail to see that?
CRO I am always serious. Probably why everybody thinks i'm a boring shit. 020510
kerry i don't think you're a boring shit. maybe a snit.

i don't know what i'm talking about. i'm never more serious than when i'm.........

spiffy i seem to always add humor to my serious-ness, maybe because i am nervous... but then it always seems unserious. 040812
kookaburra than when im laughing at you.
you always seem to think i'm laughing with you.
i fucking hate you.
somebody that i used to know Than when I yell. I never yell. So if I do, listen. Don't point and laugh and say, oh my god, you look so scary right now. 071103
So... then you're always less serious? 071103
what's it to you?
who go