Special K May 30, 2001 - 7:30 pm, Hotel Conte Verde

Q: How much do you weigh?

A: At what velocity? As I approach the speed of light, I'm pretty much infinite.

His musings on weights and measures have me in hysterics. "Wouldn't you rather tell people what quantity of liquid you displace?" he asks wryly, "Just think of the interesting ways people would cheat..."
sim He was telling me that his watch could tell all the times of all locations in the world. "Really," he said, "it's got NASA technology."

Skeptical, I asked sarcastically "Oh yeah, well what the hell is it, some kind of chronosynclastic infundibulum?" I heard him laughing on the other end of the line, and thought perhaps I should explain. "It's a Vonnegut reference," I said.

"I know," he said, still giggling, "it's also one of the reasons I love you."
what's it to you?
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