no reason i don't particularly care about them, but i want an oscar party to go to just so i can play the oscar drinking game. 050226
no reason wow. tonight i was actually pleasantly surprised by hollywood. 050227
deess $1,000,000 baby swept 050227
god the grouch is one 050227
paste! are a type of large aggressive cichlid that treat their owners with a bizarre sense of loyality, thus earning the nickname "dog of the aquarium". they need to live in big tanks (50 gal plus) and should generally be kept with their own species. often available at pet stores in a wide variety of colors, the bald and gold types are found gasping in the clutches of over-hyped hollywood sensations. 050228
Mister Brightside i've been a fish in the wrong tank
i get grouchy

but i've never felt like any sort of prize
sad_bitch couldn't fucken care less, bunch of pricks, stuck-up mofos!!! 050228
jane i'm really glad charlie kaufman won. how cool was his speech? 050301
what's it to you?
who go