ClairE He just wanted everything to be simple. 040418
sab she twisted and turned
everything she touched
until it was so tangled
no-one could recognise any of it

and she says she doesn't like it
but i wonder why she's still there
stork daddy the level after the level where you lost four lives, and they have the gentle music and you just drive through pixelated heaven picking up bonus points, or health, or pointless conversations with the object of your strivings. the bonus level thrown in to boost morale. 040423
werewolf it almost worked. 040423
thieums [lame dialogs #4]

- But I see only white, mr. God !
- Well, for now, we only have one pixel.
- It looks like pixelated hell to me.
- The heaven of ones can be the hell of others.
stork daddy sweet. just more pixelated heaven for me. 040424
what's it to you?
who go