the hogfather i know theres a song of theirs i really like, i just dont know what its called.
isnt that an annoying feeling? i dunno how im gonna find it. maybe download a bunch of their songs and see if i find it? or try and listen to the lyrics, then go find lyrics that match?
i dunno
birdmad listening to tricky at the moment "blue lines"

Lime Rider or just the obvious "teardrop"? 030121
a bird on the mezzanine or the even more obvious (and i am breaking my own leg kicking myself in the ass for not thinking of it) "Protection" 030131
User24 my faves:
safe from harm
hymn of the big wheel
man next door
neesh love all the songs on mezzanine, started off just listening to angel and teardrop, then the rest just grew on me. my fave by them though is unfinished sypmathy, i always love violins in soft rock/however you classify massive attack 030902
neesh * unfinished sympathy 030902
User24 oh, but sypmathy sounds so much better. 030902
flowerock Teardrop 141103
what's it to you?
who go