birdmad Knock KNock: 000611
Brad who's there? 000611
birdmad iota 000611
Brad iota who? 000611
birdmad iota lot of money to a lot of people so i disappeard 000611
birdmad like i said...inane 000611
Brad badoom *Crash!!!* Thank you, thank you... you're beautiful. Don't forget to tip your bartender... we'll be here all week. 000611
grendel i tipped the bartender.

as soon as he stood back up he was PISSED
Brad baddoom dum *chank* 000611
The Schleiffen Man A termite walks into a bar and ask a patron "Is the bar tender here?" 000611
Brad biddly doom *chongggg* 000611
The Schleiffen Man so i get the chinese cymbal? BAH! they sound weirdly pleasant 000611
birdmad where are chuck barris and the unknown comic when we really need them 000611
Grendel i wonder if knock_knock_jokes are considered a contact sport amongst fist_kittens 000611
Brad things that make you go 'hmmm" 000611
birdmad Do sock_monkeys believe in knock_knock_jokes? 000611
birdmad Hey, Brad.

Say "knock Knock"
Brad Knock Knock 000611
birdmad who's there? 000910
Brad Dwayne 000910
the schleiffen Man dwayne who? 000910
Brad Dwayne the bathtub, I'm dwowning.

once again my favorite knock knock joke ever is from the movie "Catch Me If You Can"

"Knock Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Fuck off!"
endless desire "knock knock"
"who's there?"
"poke who?"
"poke you!"

*poke* *poke* *poke*

((a tribute to whit martin cornelius))
(((one of these days, you'll let your guard down)))
((((and bam! victory is mine!))))
p2 "knock knock"
"who's there?"
"smell mop"
what's it to you?
who go