monadh said I was sorry when I didn't mean it
or that I had forgiven when I hadn't

pretended to hate you
tried to love you
thought I could live without kindness

lost your number
written it down in the first place

had that last drink
regretted not having more

stumbled upon such an immense soul
monadh gotten out of bed today 010313
kelli crane left the dog unattended 020113
In_Bloom Let you ask me those questions
Answered them honestly
Believed you were so confident
Thought you could work it out alone
Let your friends startle me
Been less than I am capable of
thieums started the LHC. 090211
jane but i did anyways 090211
unhinged yes
but i did anyways
because you are the only thing i know
that makes my heart feel whole
what's it to you?
who go