tonya paper, plastic or splacky? 020913
Wanderer A kind of blackened salt used only by the mystics of this new age to cleanse and purify their holy potions. In a cloud of darkened smoke, their ancient chanting echoes through the times to greet today and the magical properties of gorilla salt. 030120
Strideo remember to pour gorilla_salt on your tiny_rubber_ninja collection!
ferret i like tiny rubber ninjas
i bought one in santa cruz
god splacky, although it wasn't on my shirt 030716
jane are you humgry?
i could go for a mungry
with some gorilla_salt
ferret gorilla_salt

it's blacksih grey
and leathery in texture
although you have to have small hands, i'm talking mocroscopic, to feel the texture
Strideo I hear you can use this stuff to purchase real gorilla_art!

don't ask me how it works though, I have yet to read the fine print.
Strideo now I just need some guerrilla_salt and a flow chart!
jan e spread evenly throughout desk_of_yogurt to keep your tiny_apes organized 090220
what's it to you?
who go