amillio C’est la vie

Salt and pepper compress dashed out across a canvas of sky. Glittering specs caught in the seemingly endless void. Just out of reach, they are stuck there. Just out of reach, they’ll remain.
Tip tap tippin pippen bibbin bobbin fleebin flobbin flow. You gotta flow, gotta let it groove.

Pieces of you and pieces of me
Shards of self, reflections of love
Shattered and broken, but finally free
Pilfered plundered, torn tattered, shorn shattered, desecrated and destroyed.
Whatever, it’s broken.
Meaningless ramblings from a tortured mind
Plagued by simplicity,
Infested with those noxious fumes of that ineffable feeling of affection
Poisoned by that detestable thing, that love.
what's it to you?
who go