jane do you feel the pull?

in your car, it pulls you
east & west. you can feel it.

one came to join you, & the other
picked you back up. the three agreements

have spoken. where will you end up?
in your own bed, or one of ours?

feel the pull.
the best of both worlds.

& did you feel divided when we asked
what was to become of you, of us?

does she feel my kiss on your lips
or is that hers on mine? or perhaps

someone elses. we're all kissing
other people. we'll kiss the world.

we'll make our beds the next morning
& hope for clarity. we'll live life

with fuzzy boundaries. why not?
security inside freedom outside.

best of both worlds.
misstree cell
ripping itself apart
to eat its sibling
what's it to you?
who go