Doar Have you thought about expanding your bubble, to include what is beyond your imagining?

For example, and the expample;

Our universe, as we know it now, is vast.

Are the the universes that reside beside our own universe, a bubble?

What resides beside those universes, assuming the our view of the bubble is finite?

Take it further;

If taking the assumption that there are other universes rubbing against our collective bubble, and other universes rubbing against that one, in all the 3d directions;
and ad infintum;

where does this hypothesis go?....on forever. And where does everything the masses believe in wind up. I know I trying to take a subject that has no end and reducing it to a human level, and for my life I can understand the reclusion of staying in realms where people don't have to think of these big, driving over the brink, answers.

Are our brains big enough to answer this?

tourist Brains are possibbly only Receivers
Tuned to this Frequency.
Read some of the Expieriences of Terence McKenna. Or The Bardo Thodol.
Just to get an Idea of how Strange and Marvelous This Thing Is.
jane terence_mckenna 080417
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