unhinged he's hard at work on his cell phone as if this little campus election with all it's unimportant scandal is the center of world news. i feel so sorry for those student government types...wait a minute. no i don't. anyone that is that egocentric deserves to have the walls crumble in around them.

UPDATE: there will be a sit-in at the rock tomorrow at noon to protest the fact that he is getting punished for throwing a kegger for under-age kids.
velvet spasm the sun wil go out....... tomorrow,
bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow...
we'll be done.......
lost mmmm... kegger. 010503
x actually the word id trivialitisation... 010525
unhinged actually i think i knew which word i was thinking of and that word was 'triviality' 010604
what's it to you?
who go