Sephiroht In the dictionary, a floozy is defined as a immorral or tawdry woman. Doesn't that pretty much describe us all though, both male and female. There are parts of my anatomy that have, by themselves, attained a certain amount of floozines. The art of being a floozy trancends gender and might be said to trancend humanity even. 001125
misstree i always think of Uma Thurman in Baron Munchhausen when i hear this word... her elegant aphrodite-ness, suddenly getting wide-eyed and squawking "FLOOZY!!?!" before flying into a tantrum. floozy can make the most "well-bred" woman angry, flustered, and offended. glad 'm not well-bred. *grin* 001126
sephiroht There's a certain amount of fun in being a floozy. Most, certainly not all, "well-bred" women wouldn't know fun if it was to bite them on the ass. 001126
Fun Bite me! 001126
the sound of fun biting you on the ass. *chomp*! 001126
sephiroht That could be fun 001126
the pope god bless these floozies. 001126
Fun Mmmmm! 001126
hasil adkins hey there ladies! 001126
sephiroht In the dead of night, love bites 001126
f-yah ride IT you floozy beeyach! OH YEAH 060226
what's it to you?
who go