tonya anyone? 030530
x amourexia 030530
ferret bees? 030530
sixteen careful cuddling 030530
god babysitting 030530
User24 madness 030531
Mahayana natures alarm clocks 030531
hey now! cock a doodle doo 030531
ferret eating 030615
squint making friends 030615
endless desire flying. always flying.
thats what i'd do.
trixie walking, and thats just what they'll do... and when these birds are through they're gonna walk all over you. 030616
pobodys nerfect ummm..maybe writing new chapters to stories? *hopeful look* 030616
birdmad workin' on it... just a little behind schedule 030616
pobodys nerfect Oh goody,thanks :) 030616
explain life to me making trees like the koala bears in the wilderness 030702
pobodys nerfect building nests in kooky places that make me smile(see bird for further explanation) 030702
mon eggs
and i don't mean eating them, yuck!
The Spork Messin' with, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks so. 030702
no reason flying away?
nooo :(
PolorizedMoonKat "Where I come from, the birds sing a pretty tune. And there's always music in the air." 040806
mon uow mornings 050408
sad_bitch masturbating 050408
what's it to you?
who go