dafremen Detroit is BANKRUPT. No money to fix the roads. No money to change the street lights. No money to pay promised pensions, no money for proper fire fighting equipment, no money to burn or bury the unclaimed dead.

Yes, Detroit is BANKRUPT and has no money to care for her people. What she does have is $284.5 MILLION to fund 58% of a new Hockey Stadium. Yes, there will be potholes on your dimly-lit way through the corpse strewn streets of Motown to the REd Wings game. But just THINK of the looks on visiting fans' faces as they get a load of that "new stadium" smell!

All it took was a billionaire paying to have a couple of hundred "supporters" bussed in to the city council meeting and..voila! We'll be enjoying cushy new seats, overpriced beer and more mind numbing debt in no time! Feel free to pass the good news on so EVERYONE can enjoy it! Go Wings!
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