unhinged music_now_playing

till the sun turns black;
it's an epically beautiful album that i bought the other day thanks to nocturnal. now every morning, i check my email and such with a cup of coffee and ray.
nocturnal my obsession. it's apparently my mission in life to spread the ray love. one could have a less worthy mission, I suppose. 061020
unhinged the rough sad crackly voice feels like a hug, a blanket 080708
snook Is coming out with a new album in September. Gossip in the Grain. I can't wait to fall in love a third time. 080708
unhinged it's been awhile. i was wondering if he fell off the face of the recorded earth. 080708
snook His songs make me want to believe in love. 080708
snook Is on tour and his new album is out in september. 080802
what's it to you?
who go