unhinged the sister of white_tara
sprung from the tears of the opposite eye
of the god of compassion

in some legends she is said to
have escaped to a sandalwood forest
after her watery birth
and pacified all the animals of the forest
into peaceful coexistence
by expounding the dharma to them

that her first human disciple
was a hunter
the lady of the sandalwood forest
taught this hunter
the true meaning of the word

in buddhist cosmology, art
the color green means action

green tara
has her right foot extended
as if she is ready to leave her lotus
at the first sign of need

a blue hum
resides in her heart center

red ah at her throat
white om at the crown

after months of visualizing this
i am itching for doing
complacency irritates
callousness chafes

the universe is already full of
examples of right doing
the time for talking
is past

but even as
i am itching for doing
the snuffed_out depression
of grief
combined with a pandemic
sized dose of anxiety
paralyzes me

i keep chanting in
my heart shifts
what's it to you?
who go