awake A mother's plight

shark nip's at her feet
she screams
"freedom and salvation for my son"

salvation becomes the son
death overcomes the mom

listless of the starboard bow
voice whispered
dophin's, keep him above the surface
guide him to safety
prayer answered

hand reaches into water
brought to safety

Let freedom ring

Armies overseas fighting to keep
people free

some screamed "split the boy in half"

tell me Reno has children
and the president and lewinsky
aren't partial to Cuban Cigars

give him back, the president orders
how else will i have a cuban cigars

the child for my cigar's

"oh say can you see?!"
friar tuck awake,

and NOW what do you see, or think?
a dingo ate my birdmad 010126
unhinged . 200429
what's it to you?
who go