luminess Oh.... if only I could be an anklet. To surround every taut muscle, curve, tendon.... to be at that point where the subtle line of the calf meets the power of the pedal.... to feel its' strength under the softest of skin... the sense of it all... overwhelming 040504
vituperus diminutive of ankle 040504
lou_la_belle delicate, lovely.
oh so feminine and sweet!
ticklish little things...
stork daddy makes me think of wrestling. red and green. put on your anklets. 040505
ethereal Wear me as if I were an anklet atop your skin. Enduring each delectable moment with pivotal passion. Breathing the fire of your moving body.

Reach out and touch.

Wear me.
Borealis will you let me be your anklet? 040506
emmi mine jingle when i walk 040507
luminesence to be the anklet... or to have the anklet adorn your physical self.... which is the affective... which the effective....the selfish act will always allow the latter to prevail.... true desire... selfless or otherwise will be the gift enduring...feel me? 040510
what's it to you?
who go