39 minutes ago
a_point_in_time: White_house_911

Democrats Hit Bush on Iraq, Soc. Security
U.S. Congressional Democrats hit President Bush on Wednesday for his Iraq policies and planned Social Security overhaul, hoping a vigorous response to his
State of the Union speech...
* http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4231541.stm

State of the Union: Key quotes *
... "The United_States has no right, no desire, and no intention to impose our form of government on anyone else."... 050202
What Bush said ..."Our aim is to build and preserve a community of free and independent nations, with governments that answer to their citizens, and reflect their own cultures."... 050202
222005 * Live_Movies * 050202
Shiites Shiite Alliance Claims Victory 050202
Sunnis say Iraq poll illegitimate 050202
. Iraq's Sunni clerics dismiss vote as 12 soldiers slain
AFP via Yahoo! News - Feb 02 2:04 PM
Influential Sunni Muslim clerics on branded Iraq's election as illegitimate, dealing a blow to hopes of reconciliation, as 12 soldiers were killed by rebels in the deadliest attack since the vote.
South Iraq February 2, 2005

NAJAF, Iraq -- Top Shiite clerics, emboldened by what they perceive as a massive turnout by their followers for the coalition of Shiite religious parties, have already directed their attention to advocating for an Islamic constitution, several of them said in the aftermath of Sunday's election
222005 al-Qaida Calls for Holy_War in Iraq 050202
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