Quintessensual Rhododendroideae has 19 genera, including among others: Rhododendron (rhododendron and azalea, Greek forrose tree”), Andromeda (bog rosemary, from Greek mythology Andromeda was the beautiful daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia who was chained to a rock in the midst of the ocean which bathed her feet until rescued by Perseus, indicative of the habitat mossy hummocks in swamps), Kalmia (swamp laurel and mountain laurel, named after a student of Linnaeus who traveled extensively through northeastern America in the mid-1700’s), and Ledum (Labrador tea, Greek for a plant “Cistus ledum” with similar foliage).

Rhododenron and mountain laurel are in the same family but not the same genus. In contrast, rhododenron and azalea are in the same genus.

Taxonomically, and surely allegorically as well, rhododenron are much more closely related to azalea than to mountain laurel. Undoubtedly, Joyce, if still with us, and Molly would agree.
clundicus Damn. 991202
nostaligia I ate a rhododendren when I was just a wee child. Shouldn't have, it was poisenous and I had to have someting to make me sick. Don't do it! I also used to fun hiding in the big big bushes... 000120
god damn 011125
randomly recent sounds like a red hot curry pioneers title. can't you imagine it? "la-la, rhododendroide-a-e..."

x antiquated grouping 040108
what's it to you?
who go