Strideo Prolonged sunlight makes you shorter.

Antarctica is governed by a parliament of sea lions.

Animosity is the study of animation.

Penguins can fly up to 100 feet.

Thumbtacks were never intended to be used by thumbs.

Hay is named after Hayley Smythe, a Louisiana farmer.

Before lipstick was invented, women wore wax lips.

The telephone was invented in 1962 by Alfred Phonilla.

An improperly handled olive will explode.

A strong tissue can be used as a parachute.

Beethoven's 7th symphonie was inspired by his dog Rosco.

Elephants are born with a third eye than they lose within a few months.

Acorns will become lemon trees if planted in tropical soil.
Zantic Contrary to popular belief, maxi pads can be used on oil spills.

Pickles and ice cream set off hidden delights in your taste buds.

Pencil sharpeners were conceived by a lonely Armenian by the name of Checkov Dullead.

Dubya is an intellectual of the highest order.
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