andru235 how can one be a minimalist?

if one advocates the advancement of minimalism, doesn't that mean they seek to take minimalism to the max? that would be aberrant to minimalist thinking.

or does a true minimalist advocate keeping minimalism to a minimum?
z andru235:

you are attempting to connect an aesthetic preference with an advocacy for minimalism as a progressive movement. this is another example of a logical fallacy. syntactic misuse is not logic. it is merely rhetoric.
andru235 no, it sure isn't.

however, my intent was to connect an aesthetic preference with an advocacy for said aesthetic preference.

and not all adherents of exhibit such an advocacy, admittedly.

it wasn't an assault on minimalism! such an assault would be inane, given that "maximalisms" are nearly always constructed of minimalisms.

of course, as with any instance in which an -ism is attached to a root with multiple meanings/interpretation, it is possible that we are talking about 2, or 3 or 11 different things.
0^0 123 050419
... Ten_Dimensions... 050419
z your personal shorthand is slightly too compressed to make anything but broad assumptions about. if you made less pronouncements you might be more possible to understand. relativism can be a useful tool in dialog. 050420
andru235 what personal shorthand?!? 050420
z given that "maximalisms" are nearly always constructed of minimalisms.

of course, as with any instance in which an -ism is attached to a root with multiple meanings/interpretation, it is possible that we are talking about 2, or 3 or 11 different things.

i can make guesses at what these mean, but would rather read your complete, unrushed thought.
what's it to you?
who go