Farool Contrary to popular belief, not Hiragana. 070416
u24 do you speak japanese or just regurgitate popular phrases? 070417
Farool I'm learning, independent study with Rosetta Stone, old college text book, and a teacher who speaks conversational japanese. 070418
u24 hm. i guess misjudged you then - I had you pegged for some drooling japanomaniac (you can use the word otaku if you really want to) who was just posting japanese phrases in an effort to appear superior to us westerners who don't know what futanari is (shame on us for not knowing about this important aspect of japanese culture, eh?)

I wonder if there are kids in japan who talk about lager and bdsm as if they are the defining aspects of western life?
Farool Haha! Shame on us indeed. It's a good question, if they fawn over western culture like we fawn over their's. In truth I'm a linguaphile, I already speak a lot of spanish, some french, and I can write in dwarvish and elvish, quenya. 070418
what's it to you?
who go