bijou i know im gonna lose

cause gamblin's for fools

that's the way i like it baby
god i don't wanna live forever 010801
Teenage Jesus ...and don't forget The Joker

*dueling guitar solos*
A ♠ If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man,

You win some, lose some, all the same to me,
no reason how do you do that nifty little spade logo? 020409
A ♠ does not work in body text of blather, at least not for me for some reason

heart = ♥
club= ♣


up arrow = ↑
down = ↓

left = ←

right = →

there are probably more but i don't know them yet

(win some lose some
it's all the same to me)
. 020410
A ♠ double up or quit 020410
god i lost the mercury dime 020410
paste! i am the &arm; 020410
yummychuckle the ace of spades is supposedly the most common card chosen if you ask someone to "think of any card".

which is strange.
ace hehe 040703
what's it to you?
who go