farmfish you've heard people, i'm sure, say, "i don't give a flying fuck." what the hell does that mean anyway? 010603
johnny west It means that one would not consider sexual intercourse while suspended above the ground. Much like that garden salad that crossed the road, only to discover he had soiled his pants in the process. 010604
Dafremen You're obviously trying to butter me up with that garden salad talk Johnny. Get me to "get in touch with" my feelings. Well, it's not going to work fat boy...not much anyhow. 010604
nocturnal at work dude, johnny's not fat. and everybody knows that I'm the only one that's come close to having you "get in touch with your feelings" cuz you love me. 010604
Dafremen Don't make me break out Mr. NaughtyGirlFannyPaddle again noc. 010604
nocturnal at work is that supposed to disuade me? it's doing quite the opposite my friend. 010604
surrealchereal flying fuck
not thinking of fucking.
to high to fuck
but how else may i ask does anyone not!
thinking of sex
how do i stop
how can i not consider it at all moments
needing sex
i am alive aren't I
tweak made it stop
but then I was dead.
dead inside
i'm alive now
thinking of sex
is a major source of thought
is what i want
alive inside
what i want and all that i want
fucking, thinking, alive inside
farmfish is it a crime if there is no witness? 010606
j_blue since justice (and thus crime) is a social concept, without society (or in this case, society's awareness), there is no crime

therefore, if there is no evidence, and society never becomes aware of a so-called crime, i contend that the crime never occurred

Anyone that was there when it happened, please step forward.

"At approximately 00:00 on Day 1 of existence, an unknown individual brought the universe into being. Since the initial crime was perpetrated this this universe has spread until now it has become difficult if not impossible for citizens to get away from it.

This same universe has come to affect our neighborhoods, our children, our homes and our livelihoods which is why CrimeStoppers wants to find the individual or individuals responsible.

Crime Stoppers is offering up to a $1000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for bringing the universe into being.

Anyone with information on this horrific crime can contact your local CrimeStoppers or dial 1-888-BIG-BANG.

All calls are confidential."
heres to crime i always tell people to take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut 010606
farmfish what is your favourite wine? 010610
nocturnal I'd tell you, but I don't know how to spell it and I'd feel dumb. 010610
Dafremen TJ Swann's Easy Nights.

There, did I spell it right nocturnal?
nocturnal at work oh shut up 010611
Dafremen -
: )
nocturnal my new favourite wine is one that I had with my celebratory dinner after my last exam was done. I'm not sure of the year or the maker, but I believe it was an australian chiraz (no, I did not check the spelling, so if that's wrong don't make fun!). 010611
black bird/red wine Ecco Domani - Sangiovese di Toscano
Réal Sangria
j_blue sangria = yum

sangria = ghetto

but, luckily, ghetto yum
birdmad hehe, the place where i live now, compared to the places where i used to party

VERY ghetto.

oh yeah.
farmfish i suppose the wine isn't as important as what you do after you drink what do you do? 010616
nocturnal if only I could remember, I'd let you know. you'd probably have more luck finding out the answer to that question by asking my friends or any random strangers with whom I may have "interacted" on any given wine-induced occasion. 010616
farmfish this goes out to all of nocturnal's friends and any random stranders that may have seen her after she finished her last glass of the nectar of the gods...

"what does she do?"
farmfish what i do is obvious... spell strangers wrong... "stranders?"

it was a french merlot and i'm on my fucking ass.
farmfish nocturnal? 010729
nocturnal yo. 010729
farmfish yo yo.

i haven't heard any responses from your friends or random strangers, so do you think you can try to remember?
nocturnal well, recently I've been driving a lot. drinking and driving is so much fun...until you die. I also become insanely flirtatious, which also leads to trouble. I often wake up with unidentifiable injuries, so I apparently get a bit rowdy. oh, and most importantly, after I've been drinking, I tend to drink more....LOTS more.
take this past weekend, for example. I went to a wedding reception wherein I drank tons of champagne. then I came home, had a martini (gin w/ a twist) with my sister and her boyfriend, then passed out. a while later my friends came over, woke me up, and I went back out only to drink countless coronas. then I came home and passed out again and was soon after woken up in a chair by my mother around 6am.
so does that answer your question?
farmfish yes. quite extensively and outlandishly.
sounds like someone i me.
ecila dear Dafremen,

i was there. what is the sound of one universe being born?

incredible. filled with the loudest pain you could ever experence but countered with joy until it seemed a little skitophrenic, and it felt like it would go on forever but then it was over and the universe was expanding and we were there to witness it. i got to sign the birth certificate and everything.

its gotten bigger and wiser over the years, but its never been able to shake the skitzophrenia
farmfish can you think in a foreign language if english is your native tongue? 020608
Herr DannyH Ich weis es nicht 020609
farmfish lives if we did not invent money, what would we be using for currency? 130205
water lillies crafts, food, handmade items for trade. 130206
what's it to you?
who go