grendel as i surfed across msnbc (or was it cnbc, who knows?) They (the reporters) were asking a notorious far-right wing-nut ( [the reverend?] Bob_Jones in Bob_Jones_University ), about his opinion of the Gore/Lieberman ticket... he said he was impressed, Mr Jones then promptly failed to impress me by trying to tie the notion of Missile Defense to the notion of Christianity in some vague way with this and other parts of Leiberman's political views as things christians could appreciate.

where in the scriptures does it say anything about missile defense?

i don't remember reading anywhere in the KJV or the Catholic edition anything about missiles

and is that Ralph Reed's greasy little hand i see wending its way up George W. Bush's hindquarters waiting for a chance to start pushing his buttons and pulling our strings?

a Bush presidency is more of an invitation toward flat out theocracy than any other candidate in American history.
what's it to you?
who go