nick mason i'm going to cut you into little pieces 020113
kelli crane and bury you in my backyard 020114
nick mason no, dear. do you even know the song? 020114
teenage junkie we had a big argument about whether that's what was said in the song
this eventually lead to the conclusion that all our fights led to
"PLHS sucks big dick. We need to forget about this day and get fucked up."
nick mason um.....WHAT? 020114
oren ...Alice! 020114
kelli crane to the moon! 020114
misstree legend has it, it was written because the boys had written the theme song for dr who, but gotten contractually screwed out of not only royalties, but credit. heard the full, original version once. the info came from someone who knew someone that i would put pure faith in, if i'd heard it from their mouth, but as i didn't i'm not 100%. 030913
what's it to you?
who go