u24 fess up your links, girls :) 040331
minnesota_chris I don't think U24 wrote that. Besides, it's 3 am there. 040331
white waves shake her thaaaaaang lol 040331
u24 i couldnt sleep 040331
WHITE WAVE copyright 2004 yeah, i can shake it good, but it isn't big. 040331
minnesota_chris butts... butts... butts.... *wakes up* Hmm huh? Oh, I gotta blather about this! 040401
u24 Indeed, M-Chris, especially unlikely to be me, as I no longer have net access at home, so unless I was doing a lot of overtime and had a bad case of amnesia, I don't think it was me.

Chelsea I like big butts and i can not lie you other brothers can't deny when a girl walks in with a itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get Sprung... yeah you all know the song... great song by the way... i love 80'sish and older songs. 040409
oldephebe i mean not huge buts...but you nice, round and moderately muscled..with the extravagant hip and full thighs...no cellulose just a woman that a keeps hereself in shape and is well..blessed..
oldephebe flat tummy..and no oblique tissue please 040410
what's it to you?
who go