They call me Truth inspired by MC...

are you a person of high ideals and small accomplishments?

I know I am
unhinged small accomplishments are better than no accomplishments 080715
hsg low_ideals_big_accomplishments are infinitely worse. 080715
hsg who's mc? 080715
. agreed hsg 080715
sameolme minnesota chris? 080715
They call me Truth it was something that minnesota chris (MC) said in a blathe and i thought it was interesting... 080715
sameolme Well, I do have a Jesus complex and
get out of bed every morning.
Does that count?
sameolme Hey, I guessed it! 080715
They call me Truth lol, yes you did 080716
hsg "agreed hsg"

who are you, (dot)?

are you in ZZZ the AIR? of the stars watching over the foreground above?

are you an associate of the bathroom SCALES dept at SEe-ARS?
u play dodge ball of the projectillian grammed variety?
TCMT This is still true, though to a much lesser degree now. At times I feel at least marginally proud of myself. 131113
what's it to you?
who go