whitechocolatewalrus There was once an evil man who wanted to rule the world.
He knew he wasn’t smart enough to do it himself
So he bought some cherries.
He ate them all except onethe ugliest one.
In to this ugly cherry, the man injected all his evilness.
On to this ugly cherry, the man painted an evil face.
An ugly face.
It was the job of this cherry to overtake the world.
The man was so proud of his finished project
He decided to show it to some of his evil friends
Mona the witch was the fist to arrive
Upon seeing a cherry sitting on the table
Her mouth began to water
Without more delay
She moved to the cherry and popped it in her mouth
With two chews and a smile
The evil man was no longer evil
And his plot to rule the world was in the stomach of a witch
lokkust thank satan it wasn't an armageddon peach. 040119
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